Friday, March 03, 2006

When Bad Comics go Disney...

So I have now seen the commercial for the newest Disney crapification, The Shaggy Dog. It looks like Tim Allen now belongs to Disney. He has been sold into some sort of White slavery that began with the Santa Clause...continued with The Santa Clause II and now has been finalised.

Do you remember his early comedy days? Im talking before the cutesy "urg urg urg " of Home Improvement. He was arrested a bunch of times for drunk driving threw out the word 'fuck' in his routines like it was going out of style...and had a drug problem. I think he had to go into rehab, even.

I first noticed Disney purchasing comedians in the 1990s...when "Mrs. Doubtfire" came out starring Robin Williams. Have you ever seen Robin Williams' early work? Its fucked. I once watched this special which was taped in the early 1980s and he was, in two simple words. COKED. OUT. The dude was sweating like a pig...running around like a chicken with his head cut off...then he's start to slow down and slur his back stage...and come out frantic and foaming at the mouth again. It was beautiful. I think in that special he pulled John Ritter up from the audience, too and I think they started speaking in a language that only they [and perhaps their dealers] could understand. Now he's most known to people as the cartoon Genie in Aladdin.[sigh]

And dont even get me started on 'Operation Dumbo Drop'. I really hope that they paid Dennis Leary a lot of money for that film...or they threatened to kill one of his family members...or would withold a kidney from a person on the donor list if he refused. Cuz, honestly, his is the smuttiest, dirtiest, and fucking funniest comedy act I have ever heard. Ive memorized most of 'No cure for Cancer' [NyQuil we love giant fucking Q] No way should he be fratenizing with cute little kids and friendly elephants.

Whos next? Im afraid. But Im sure Dave Chappelle's already been called to play the Angela Lansbury character in the updated version of BedKnobs and Broomsticks

1 comment:

Pusher Robot said...

Wow you know, I never noticed that but you are totally right on! That made me wonder if there are any others. Browsing thru the ENDLESS list of W.D. movies these two caught my attention. They are, perhaps, not quite on the scale of the comedians you mentioned but still ...

Lilo & Stitch - Kevin McDonald
Lion King - Rowan Atkinson & Cheech Marin