Monday, March 27, 2006

No title necessary

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I found this on Bacon this morning and was so fucking excited. This is what originally spawned my Chuck Norris obsession years ago when I was at a house party back in the late 1990s and saw this exact ad on someones fridge.

I think Im going to cry.

I also think i got a motherfucking shit ass cocksucker photo-radar speeding ticket this morning. It depends on whether the stupid ass assfucker cum spewing cops decide that 80 in a 70 zone is "speeding".


Cindy said...

With a half-price lifetime guarantee? Sign me up!

Sucks about the speeding ticket. I've never got a photo one, but you'e a lawyer, I'm sure that's easily contestable.

Itchy said...

I was watching some cheesy thing about weird families on VH1 last night and they were discussing the Osmonds. Allegedly...they took karate lessons from one Chuck Norris! Can you just imagine Chuck Norris teaching Donnie and Marie his moves? The image of that makes me laugh quite a bit!

Unknown said...

"I'm a little bit of judo, and I'm a little bit twankado"

JuicyA said...

Camo: Ive heard that about the 402-- friggin autobahn! Radar detectors are legal here, but photo radar doesnt get picked up

Itchy: All of a sudden I can hear "There is NO puppy love in this Dojo!"